Clear Liquid |
GTS-010 |
- Good heat-resistance
(up to 400℃-500℃)
- Good weather-resistance
- Air-drying at room temeprature
- High-temperature resistant and protective
coatings for chimney
- Can be blended with acrylic resin or
polyester resin to enhance heat-resitance
Clear Liquid |
GTS-0510 |
- Excellent heat-resistance(up to 650℃)
- Good weather-resistance
- Air-drying at room temeprature
- High-temperature resistant and protective
coatings for chimney
- Can be blended with acrylic resin or
polyester resin to enhance heat-resistance
Clear Liquid |
GTS-0515 |
- Good flexibility
- Good weather-resistance
- Excellent heat-resistance(up to 650℃)
- Exhaust/muffler coatings
- Heat-resistant & protective coatings for
Clear Liquid |
GTS-2017 |
- High silicone and low VOC containg
- Good weather-resistance
- High gloss
- Curing agnet for epoxy
- Weather-resistant exterior /protective
coatings(an alternative to epoxy color
coatings and PU clear coatings)
Milky White
Liquid |
GT-020W |
- Eco-friendly product
- Good heat-resistance
- Good adhesion
- Industrial coatings for metal
- Protective and decorative coatings for
Eco-friendly building materials
Milky White
Liquid |
GT-021W |
- Eco-friendly product
- Good adhesion
- Good hydrophobic property
- Smooth and good
- Coatings for car door seal strip
- Protective and decorative coatings
for rubbers
Milky White
Liquid |
GT-023W |
- Eco-friendly product
- Excellent adhesion
- Good heat-resistance
- Protective coatings for housewares
Clear Liquid |
GT-028W |
- Eco-friendly product
- Easy to dry at room temperature.
- High hardness and good anti-dirty
- Good hydrophobic property
- Good compatiblity with acrylic emulsion and improve the weather-resistance
- Protective coatings for exterior wall
Milky White
Liquid |
GT-029W |
- Eco-friendly product
- Air-dry
- Good hydrophobic property
- Good compatiblity with acrylic emulsion
and improve the weather-resistance
- Protective coatings for exterior wall
Milky White
Liquid |
GT-0201W |
- Eco-friendly product
- Air-dry
- Excellent hydrophobic property
- Good compatiblity with acrylic emulsion
and improve the weather-resistance
- Protective coatings with hydrophobic
property for exterior wall
Flake |
GT-030P |
- Excellent heat-resistance
- Good weather-resistance
- Good leveling property
- Full phenyl group content;
self-curing at high temperature
- Heat-resistant and weather-resistant
powder coatings
Flake |
GT-031P |
- Excellent heat-resistance
- Good weather-resistance
- Good leveling property
- High gloss retention
- Self-curing at high temperature
- Heat-resistant and weather-resistant
powder coatings